Sunday, June 19, 2011

Mike Bloomberg Peter Powers Rudy SAIC Big Wigs Happy SAIC Shareholder Wonderful No Mention of mega-millions NYC cancelled and NYers Wanting a Refund!

Heard on the street....

I listened to the saic web cast and the financial highlights are void of citytime and zero mention of any risk to repay nyc. I follow a few public companies and these meetings are dull duties such as ratifying director positions verifying whopping executive salary and reassuring all is a bed of roses. This why enron happened big elephant in the room.

CityTime and the many SAIC deals made a lot of people money and high powered connections -- perhaps Rudy and Mike (including his gang and media buddies wanted SAIC because could help their White House aspirations?

NYC Tax Payers raped and robbed....

John Liu hero despite his flaws....historic hero....cutting off massive tax payer abuse....perhaps record white collar theft and abuse ever in
NYC history....

Mike Bloomberg, Weiner To Resign Quinn Next? Power Corrupts! SAIC Thorn in Mike Bloomberg’s Side

Reminder Rudy Giuliani brought in CityTime and SAIC and we did not need either and his best friend Peter Power lobbyist for SAIC who tried to push through SAIC MTA along with  NYC Gov. Bloomberg and pals deal despite activists like me saying NO! and DiNapoli killed the deal but MTA and SAIC still said they were going through with the MTA SAIC deal until they finally had to respect the word no.

To date the fact Bloomberg had to terminate another mega-million dollar contract with SAIC is hush hush.  The Wall St. Journal had an article and very little details and than no other major NY newspaper picked up the story.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Mike Bloomberg, Weiner To Resign Quinn Next? Power Corrupts! SAIC Thorn in Mike Bloomberg’s Side!

Remember my brilliant art poster lampooning Mike Bloomberg with the latin words...Mayor Bloomberg King of New York which did not make the news??? Hmmm I wonder why?
well metaphorically speaking the king is dead twice over -- bloomberg's blizzard of 2010 and SAIC CityTime, 911 Tech Sector, way too many corrupt Board of Ed Tech deals including the Joel Klein Bear Stearns debacle rip-off.

Anthony Weiner Naked Pics Congressional Gym Vs. Massive Corruption Cover Ups NYC gov Bloomberg Quinn SAIC and more

Anthony Weiner Naked Pics Congressional Gym Vs. Massive Budget Crisis Corruption NYC Gov + Proof Ugly Guys Think they are Brad Pitt!  We got it, he is Bill Clinton Jr. but pay attention to massive corruption NYC gov White Collar crime and harsh budget cuts and the question is Dept. of Investigation doing their job or Sleeping Beauty of the last decade? Watch my new YouTube to learn more about Mike Bloomberg, Christine Quinn, SAIC, Sanitation Dept. and the Dept. of Investigation. Reminder Rudy Giuliani brought in CityTime SAIC.

By the way, the photo of Weiner is proof of my theory that every guy, no matter how ugly and unattractive thinks he is Rock Hudson or should I say Brad Pitt while women are