Monday, October 31, 2011

Bloomberg’s Head of Business Integrity Commission secretly gave secrtary 3 big raises in 7 months

Gee she doesn’t live in NYC either?

Gee almost like the mayor giving his money mules a 2nd salary via a dummy company not bloomberg news plus their nyc gov salary and some got money for working on the campaign....

We have lay-offs, people struggling to survive, no health insurance or trying to meet payments, put food on the table but politicos NY state and NYC gov getting $$$$$$$ creatively!!!!

it is who you know and who you....

Dept of Building Add Yet Another Death to Stats Cooked Like NYPD, 311 DOB Sham!

The NYPD may cook their books -- stats on crime but the NYPD do catch criminals -- okay in the NYPD have some of their own plus ticket fix scandal not in Manhattan where NYC gov officials and others got fixing and favors  or Brooklyn or Queens BUT the NYPD actually do catch criminals but not DOB.

Commissioner Limandri urges us to call 311 if we see anything dangerous.  I can tell you you can call 311 and expect no illegal activity caught or punished.  Would you believe me if I told you have photographs of dangerous activity at a construction site and that DOB did nothing as if DOB is taking bribes or maybe they are too few inspecting way too many construction sites because under Bloomberg it was about speedy reckless development where greed and stupidity rule! 

Question!  Did this construction site that took yet another life have any 311 calls alerting the city.
Make a call to NYC government I had the pleasure of listening to Limandri brag about the lack of deaths and injuries and urging us to call 311.

I have a question for Mr. LiMandri regarding the stats on your DOB website regarding deaths and injuries.  Do the injuries accurately reflect illegal immigrants being paid off the books or do they not come forward when they are injured to be included?

Mr. Limandri immigrant workers are working in unsafe working conditions and I call tell you DOB and NYC gov do not give a damn.  Feel free to call Osha but don’t expect much either.

Here in NYC there are a lot of abuses of immigrants both legal and illegal.  I have heard plenty of NY politicians talk about immigrants but none I have talked to give a damn.  Mike Bloomberg, Diana Taylor and every one in NY and NYC gov love to show up for awards lunches and dinners to pat themselves on the back both those stats are cooked too.

DOB commissioner Robert LiMindri urges you to call 311 if you see unsafe construction sites.  During Hurricane Irene the construction sites had so many materials not secured that if Irene had hit us full force we would have had major damage and deaths and Bloomberg’s p.r. machine sold the lie Bloomberg did a great job...Lie!

Call 311 so you can leave a record of DOB not doing their job.

Christine Quinn Big Time Liar CityTime ECTP NYCAPS inspires City Council

Christine Quinn went on NY1 and and told a BIG TIME lie that she was on top of CityTIme.   Christine Quinn brushed a side two investigations in to CityTime brought by Tish James and discouraged a third.   All City Council members know Quinn is Ms. Slush and Intimidation retaliating against city council people that don’t do her bidding.  CityTime took simple math and should have been shut down in Feb. 2003 with Richard Valcich’s whistle blowing letter but neither Bloomberg and Bill Thompson shut it down.  Mark Page and Christine Quinn could have and did not.  Tish James 2 investigations -- I have a link to the 2nd one and Joel Bondy swore under oath in front of City Council so does that mean he committed perjury or like the mayor and key NYC C Gov employees are above the law?
NYCAPS over budget 300 million dollars and ECTP the 911 tech system over 2 billion dollars flawed mess.  Mike Bloomberg techno dreams are the tax payers nightmares.  Christine Quinn is Mike Bloomberg’s mini-me and sold us the People out flushing democracy down the toilet, sold her soul to real estate developers in lieu of campaign donations, Quinn was sued 3 times for back rent and more people fell in to poverty and homelessness as she and her girlfriend now spouse grew richer.   Her than girlfriend brokered a deal for a 1 million dollar plus condo that Quinn herself would have difficulty buying considering she has been sued for back rent 3 times and Quinn thinks she can be mayoral and be responsible for NYC”s massive budget and budgetary problems when she can’t pay her rent on time and is sued is beyond me.   Clearly she and the Wall Street firms she gets bail out money for her campaign and real estate magnates like the Rudins, higher ed like Columbia U. NYU and Cooper Union all ruthless real estate magnates don’t care and want Bloomberg’s mini-me in office to continue with corrupt dealings where greed and stupidity rule.  Christine Quinn has spent perhaps a record amount of tax payer money on her and her staff’s legal bills for slush money including Quinn approving Sullivan and Cromwell the same firm that Goldman Sachs uses.  When their bills exceed a million will there finally be an investigation?  Just wondering out loud.

Did I mention she used slush (aka tax payer money) and intimidation to push thru an illegal third term with the great big lie we needed Mike Bloomberg to help us with the economy?  She and Mike only helped their pals.  Did Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn help you with the economy?  Here is Katie OWS in front of St. Vincent’s talking about health care.    Christine Quinn allowed a hospital St Vincent’s open 9-11 to close in her own district.  That means no hospital from Chelsea to Battery and she wants to be our mayor.  Ask her how many small business closed under her rule acting much more like Bloomberg’s deputy mayor and not a city council speaker.

p.s.  Why did Richard Valcich go from hero to zero to say?

Mike Bloomberg Rupert Murdoch NY Pensions Restructuring A Halloween Store Involving Bloody Axes & 2 BILLIONAIRES!

Bloomberg Murdoch (2 percent of NY’s 1 percent)  NY Pensions a horror movie ratedX for violence and how many New Yorkers are being screwed.
Hint: Pension restructuring should have happened in the 1st term. NY Pensions Liu over saw -- 95M$ in Murdoch's News on about how and why Bloomberg Murdoch axed Liu and why Murdoch key player in restructuring Liu our comptroller out who makes Thompson look a he was in a coma all these years serving as comptroller.

Happy Halloween!


Monday, October 24, 2011

NYC Government Fed Gov Put All polticians legal bills on Gov. Website and Law suits

Please reveal how much Christine Quinn and her staff’s legal bills are costing NYC gov. We need all legal bills for political figures posted on NYC government plus all law suits -- the figure costing tax payers -- with a daily gross summary.

Read more:

Can we have an app for that?

Friday, October 21, 2011

Mayor Bloomberg Crook Says OWS get Permits Mr. Mosque Mike Bloomberg to violate Occupy Wall Street’s constitutional rights as well as human rights. Mike who committed perjury two weeks ago admits OWS peaceful to explain why OWS have been beaten, pepper sprayed and the NYPD tricking them in to a mass arrest leading them on to the Brooklyn Bridge. If the NYPD did not want them on the bridge why does the video show them being lead on to the bridge? Mike has violated their human rights and now Mike is going to go down for mass violation of constitutional rights for his corrupt Wall Street buddies protecting their mega-million dollar bonuses! This Sunday Sept. 23 marks 3 years ago Mike pushed through an illegal 3rd term with the help of his mini-me Christine Quinn a corrupt city council speaker that sold the lie we must have Mike to help us with the economy!

Did Mike and his mini-me Corrupt Christine Quinn help you? No but they and their pals grew richer as more New Yorkers fell in to poverty, homelessness, or were forced out of NYC!

Mike Bloomberg used slush payer money aka tax payer money and intimidation to push through a third term illegally done preventing us from voting on term limits! come sunday City Hall 2pm -- if under 20 people protest with us in the park -- if over 20 than East Side of City Hall by subway entrances.

Thursday, October 6, 2011