Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Cy Vance East Village Explosion Recuse yourself RESIGN dirty DA My Video is Evidence Once Again

Cy Vance East Village Explosion Recuse yourself RESIGN dirty DA My Video is Evidence Once Again

Cy Vance East Village Explosion Recuse yourself RESIGN  dirty DA!


Cy Vance already has seen my videos and he is so corrupt and bias that the outcome was no justice so it is clear he must recuse himself but based on Flash Boy a best selling book that excoriates him, he clearly also needs to resign. (Cy Vance Goldman Sachs, Cy Vance Banks false prosecution OWS most protestors ever, Cy Vance Stop and Frisk, Cy Vance false prosecution Joe Jazz Hayden, Michael Premo and so many others, Cy Vance NYPD Rape Cops heroin rape cops locker, Cy Vance ECTP 911, etc.  see more here.. http://cyvanceonetermda.blogspot.com

How ironic my video is evidence that defense attorneys and victims or families of victims can now use against the City of NY and Con Ed?

If Cy was going to try and fix this biz as usual for the dirty DAs office the YouTube of mine from 5 years ago he can't pretend doesn't exist like the my others including calling him down for being a misogynist DA without knowing he tried to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex predator status and the biggest news not known to most is he has an Intern in his office that was sexually preyed up by someone senior and she is too frightened to come forward and based on DA IAB NYPD relation against me fixing Dr Andrew Fagelman office attack of me including being threatened by my attacker even in a letter to her NYPD fixers, her false cross complaint I have audio of being threatened by an ADA as well as the fact I was threatened by Det John Vergona who committed the crime of coercion.

The DA is too corrupt and my video of the East Village location of the explosion is evidence so the DA must resign and he can't have anything to do with the East Village explosion and like so many cases including Eric Garner we need a special prosecutor.

2007 NY1 interviewed me and others but has removed the interview exact same location kept opening up like a wound that would not heal finally exploded. 
Condolences to all that lost loved ones...in my opinion this was years in the making....

suzannahbtroy: @BilldeBlasio @ConEdison cy Vance dirty DA East Village explosion fixed my case will have to face another video mine http://t.co/YhspyCjP1e

Uploaded on Sep 8, 2011
NY1 has since removed this link...gee I wonder why?

My blog dedicated to exposing Cy Vance http://cyvanceonetermda.blogspot.com/?m=1

@maslowsneeds: When will @TheJusticeDept investigate Cy Vance for all the corruption he protects/enables ? @suzannahbtroy @ilovemytroops

I am haunted -- look at YouTube 2 minutes in there is the Japanese restaurant I want to cry -- how sad -- this was going on for years....I haven't had time to go through all my YouTubes and blogs...
NY1 Removed the video from May 23, 2007 gee I wonder why?  I have asked them to return it and they haven't.  You would think NY1 would want to share it but they don't.

East Village Water Main Break Leaves Thousands ... - NY1.com

May 23, 2007 - East Village Water Main Break Leaves Thousands Without Water. By: NY1 News; 05/23/200712:36 ...

NY1 removed the video.  I was one of the divetse People interviewed.  

WPIX came later.  

I have years of blog posts this location and around EV. 


please help go viral to shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB,  Cy Vance and ADAs involved thank you. 

Vid 4 second highlights Vine

please help go viral to shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB,  Cy Vance and ADAs involved thank you. 

Vid 4 second highlights Vine

NYPD Inspector General Forwards My Case to Internal Affairs just like CCRB and Commission to Combat Police Corruption when my case belong with a Special Prosecutor. 

Read Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit from 7 years ago -- it gives new meaning to it stops today.  

Cy Vance being yelled down outside NYU Law for what he really is in my opinion a corrupt misogynist  DA.  

When I yelled down Cy Vance on his misogyny I did not know yet about the intern in his office and also about Jeffrey Epstein that he would have an ADA asked to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex predator status.  

Title 18.subsection 242.conspiring of rights.which is a felony that can land that detective behind bars for ten years. I was sent this -- is this applicable to Det John Vergona and his partner, Det Andy Dwyer his partner, supervisor Lt Angelos Burgos, supervisor Sgt Chen and all involved including in Internal Affairs?

June 19, 2014 learned even more about Internal Affairs Corruption do created new blog goal to sue Mr Bratton and Mr Reznick 2015. 

The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.

Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!

2011 Bill hung up here is post referencing it. http://eastvillageeasteastvillage.blogspot.com/2011/09/corrupt-bloomberg-and-pals-put-real.html?m=1 there is more than 1 post.  I despised him for that 

When I became a critic of Bloomberg and real estate greed I was shut down by media outlets that once published my letter 

NY Post Bill Sanderson Hung Up on me When I called him re location from what is the East Village Explosion yrs before http://eastvillageeasteastvillage.blogspot.com/2012/05/east-village-infrastructure-wound-years.html?m=1

I have so many posts on east village infrastructure problems...
June 27, 2010 Suzannah Troy Blogged Infrastructure Hell East Village Hell
See YouTube below gas smell...Con Ed take a look. Look at stats DEP, DOB, DOT and Con Ed...

See my YouTube from this morning that shows all the Con Ed trucks, DEP vehicles where it looked like a bomb dropped by the North West entrance of Tompkins Square Park which was closed off by the Parks Dept. for safety.
I wrote Dollar Bill Dan Doctoroff before the steam pipe explosion by Grand Central and alerted him to William Yardley's piece in The New York Times as well as my letter in AM New York the month before Yardley's piece concerned for infrastructure and safety.
I was told by DEP it was a water main break but in actuality a source told me it was a gas leak and the FDNY responded first.
Watch the YouTube to get more of a visual of how much of the street they are tearing up and for those unfamiliar with the area DOT is getting ready to pave 2nd and 1st Avenue but it will be a short term mess in my opinion because we have had too many infrastructure breaks and I don't think they root problems have been addressed so I believe the "new" streets will be looking like this one Sunday morning.
I am going to be repetitive because I am tired and I want your attention.
This morning the FDNY responded and I am told it was a gas leak. A DEP guy told me it was a water main break but I heard it was a gas leak. What ever it is it looks like a bomb dropped and this is Mike Bloomberg's streets of New York ever since he pushed a reckless, stupid, greed driven development to help his rich buddies and the construction industry but at the expense of the people of New York in way too many way.
We need more press coverage on this.  We need the press to make city gov tell us how many infrastructure breaks we have had since Bloomberg came to office in each section of NYC and we need to examine how we can stop what feels like another Bloomberg Titanic problem and finally put the safety of New Yorkers first.

See my YouTube from this morning that shows all the Con Ed trucks, DEP vehicles where it looked like a bomb dropped by the North West entrance of Tompkins Square Park which was closed off by the Parks Dept. for safety.
I wrote Dollar Bill Dan Doctoroff before the steam pipe explosion by Grand Central and alerted him to William Yardley's piece in The New York Times as well as my letter in AM New York the month before Yardley's piece concerned for infrastructure and safety.
I was told by DEP it was a water main break but in actuality a source told me it was a gas leak and the FDNY responded first.
Watch the YouTube to get more of a visual of how much of the street they are tearing up and for those unfamiliar with the area DOT is getting ready to pave 2nd and 1st Avenue but it will be a short term mess in my opinion because we have had too many infrastructure breaks and I don't think they root problems have been addressed so I believe the "new" streets will be looking like this one Sunday morning.
I am going to be repetitive because I am tired and I want your attention.
This morning the FDNY responded and I am told it was a gas leak. A DEP guy told me it was a water main break but I heard it was a gas leak. What ever it is it looks like a bomb dropped and this is Mike Bloomberg's streets of New York ever since he pushed a reckless, stupid, greed driven development to help his rich buddies and the construction industry but at the expense of the people of New York in way too many way.
We need more press coverage on this.  We need the press to make city gov tell us how many infrastructure breaks we have had since Bloomberg came to office in each section of NYC and we need to examine how we can stop what feels like another Bloomberg Titanic problem and finally put the safety of New Yorkers first.
Yes this is the YouTube from this morning in case you missed it.
I don't know what else to do except hire a hot air ballon that says "Safety First!" stop the reckless tsunami of development mayor Bloomberg and for once put the people first.  Enough is enough!
Mike Bloomberg decided that the commissioner of DOB did not have to have an architectural degree or an engineering degree. Mike and the city have been sued on this issue and lost the first round. I am assuming the judge is a friend of rich developers and blind to how many deaths and injuries suffered by this Bloomberg's reckless tsunami of development.
As told to me BP over ridded their engineers advice and I get the vibe this was the same here in NYC.
More on that later.  I have heard some news and I think news reporters will be reporting more on this soon. 
The East Village, Lower East Side looks like a bomb dropped and Cooper Union next zone buster has been put on hold for 2 years while the area around the building where I filmed a YouTube voicing my concerns for the safety of the communitylooks like bombs have dropped and Con Ed is also a main stay there.
The tsunami of reckless development was as stupid and greedy as what brought the implosion of Wall Street on and the streets are in the worse shape they have been in years.  DOT repaving them appears to be a wasteful band-aid because the infrastructure problems have not been addressed and as the old infrastructure problems keep busting open, Mike is pushing more infrastructure expansion but all of this — old and new expansion should have been addressed city wide before the reckless development.
Go to YouTube and search under Suzannahartist and street conditions,  Suzannahartist infrastructure and you will also find my playlist on Mike Bloomberg' streets of NY including a fire truck on the upper west side, the front wheel falls in to a hole in the street that was from infrastructure problem.  I tried to supply you with links but who knows because there is so much and I am one person.  I even show you the subway station at Union Square with water on the ground from a pipe leaking with gauze around the pipe like a broken limb.
Mike and his developer friends only cared about their reckless development and not that the city was in bad shape and not able to absorb the development including Columbia University, NYU and Cooper Union as well as hotel and condo developers all busting through zoning and wanted the people displaced and cared nothing about our safety and the conditions of our streets, way lay beneath them and a rotted, dilapidated subway system where the stations are rotted and leaking and there are so many rats I call it the MTA Rat Circus for New Yorkers standing waiting for trains.
Welcome to king Mike's "new" hideous New York.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

#NYPD Inspector General Says Call Internal Affairs Check my Case

NYPD Inspector General Phillip Eure had Chief Investigator Tom Mahoney write me and give me Internal Affair's telephone number with my IGNYPD Case number to call for status check!  So you hear me after I leave a voice mail since no one is picked up at Internal Affairs -- Chief Reznick was exposed in a lawsuit calling whisle blower NYPD cop a RAT so Bratton running dirty corrupt expensive IAB dept like Kelly Campisi?  My opinion YES!  I am calling for special prosectors in my case, Eric Garner's Adrain Schoolcraft and how many others, I want my attacker arrested for assault 2nd degree, a false cross complaint and a written threatening as well as NYPD for COERCION and action taking against IAB members and the DA investigation including for refusing to take action against the NYPD.  

Looks like the NYPD IG job is pass the corruption buck and head my CCRB testimony stating I wanted my case taken back.  If CCRB had  NYPD come in the NYPD have to testify under oath but if IAB has it IAB can fix it and let dirty cops retire.  This was retaliation against me by the DA, NYPD and IAB for me being an activist.  IAB doesn't even want to hear from me so how IRONIC I have a letter with NYPD IG urging me to follow up call IAB since the gave them my case -- mine is one of the top 12 already forwarded from IG NYPD new expensive offices situated in downtown Wall St. near Deutsche Bank.

IG NYPD suggests getting an attorney if you want to pursue the matter beyond IAB so is that admission that they know IAB will try yet again to fix my case for all involved?

The Civilian Complaint Review Board CCRB, The Commission to Combat Police Corruption and now the NYPD Inspector General have all forwarded my case to Internal Affairs Bureau IAB I allege to fix my case and like the Staten Island DA I allege fixed Eric Garner case, Queens DA fixed it for NYPD chief Marino and Capt M. and Cy Vance for corrupt Cops and IAB as well as Dr Fagelman's violent lying employee Delita Hooks my case in my opinion but there are enough facts even without a subponea.

please help go viral to shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB,  Cy Vance and ADAs involved thank you. 

Vid 4 second highlights Vine

Cy Vance being yelled down outside NYU Law for what he really is in my opinion a corrupt misogynist  DA.  

When I yelled down Cy Vance on his misogyny I did not know yet about the intern in his office and also about Jeffrey Epstein that he would have an ADA asked to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex predator status.  

NYPD Knapp Mollen Time for a New Commission
Title 18.subsection 242.conspiring of rights.which is a felony that can land that detective behind bars for ten years. I was sent this -- is this applicable to Det John Vergona and his partner, Det Andy Dwyer his partner, supervisor Lt Angelos Burgos, supervisor Sgt Chen and all involved including in Internal Affairs?

June 19, 2014 learned even more about Internal Affairs Corruption do created new blog goal to sue Mr Bratton and Mr Reznick 2015. 

The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.

Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!

Sent from my iPhone#NYPD Inspector General Says Call Internal Affairs Check my Case

Thursday, March 5, 2015

NYPD Inspector General Phillip Eure, Investigator Tom Mahoney 2 Big Frauds? Read these letters and you tell me

Phillip Eure and Tom Mahoney were well aware I had testified in front of the CCRB committee excoriated in the NYDN as party hardy with possible sex predator allegations and demanded my case be returned to Internal Affairs because IAB fixes for dirty cops like in my case.

Even Mark Peters knew I was suing DOI and he too referred me Internal Affairs.

They are failures corrupt and way too costly including Internal Affairs like 911 too complicated corrupt and not functioning properly but insult to injury is having the NYPD Inspector General refer my letters.

I expressed mailed a notice of claim including these letters to be included in a new lawsuit that also includes Cy Vance and 3 ADAs as well as 2 NYPD commissioners, 2 head of IAB and IAB and NYPD Detective and their supervisors.

We need a new Commission in to police corruption but Bill de Blasio is clearly to afraid of the NYPD to do the right thing.

  NYPD Inspector General Letter Proof New Agency a Fraud? by Suzannah Troy

NYPD aren't policed but protected and the newest agency NYPD Inspector General is the newest high priced scam like IAB a fraud and high costs to the tax payer in more than on way.  This is 1 of 2 letters from TM pass the corruption buck in my opinion.

Tom Mahoney admitted he does have NYPD in the family. He was fully aware my case already went to Internal Affairs and I was suing as we Mark Peters involving this complaint and you can see a 2nd letter referred to DOITT are you kidding me.  I have spoken to Phillip Eure so I can only say based on my experience he is a fraud as well mr pass the corruption buck.

Tom Mahoney and Phillip Eure had my CCRB testimony demanding CCRB take my case back since IAB did fix it allowing Det John Vergona and others off the hooks and 2 have already retired.  So brand new offices for the Inspector General and I guess they are to hold parties like CCRB read my testimony -- they talk about what a good time they are having.

All a fraud, CCCRB, Commission to Combat Police Corruption and this new agency is even worse...disgraceful and disgusting.

Letter number 2

Look at the date of this letter.  This involved out right stealing, fraud as well as NYPD graft by top white shirt brass and what does Tom Pass the Corruption Buck Mahoney do but pass the corruption buck to DOITT.  Letter number 1 he passed to Internal Affairs who had CCRB Internal Affairs the case 2 ago and Phillip Eure who I have talked to and Mahoney both got my CCRB testimony and now I even asked CCRB to take my case back.

We have been HUGELY failed yet again but even more TAX PAYER dollars wasted for nothing.  I bet they have fun parties and softball games read my CCRB testimony and the NYDN article exposed the same corrupt CCRB board I testified in front of.

please help go viral to shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB,  Cy Vance and ADAs involved thank you. 

Vid 4 second highlights Vine

Cy Vance being yelled down outside NYU Law for what he really is in my opinion a corrupt misogynist  DA.  

When I yelled down Cy Vance on his misogyny I did not know yet about the intern in his office and also about Jeffrey Epstein that he would have an ADA asked to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex predator status.  

Title 18.subsection 242.conspiring of rights.which is a felony that can land that detective behind bars for ten years. I was sent this -- is this applicable to Det John Vergona and his partner, Det Andy Dwyer his partner, supervisor Lt Angelos Burgos, supervisor Sgt Chen and all involved including in Internal Affairs?

June 19, 2014 learned even more about Internal Affairs Corruption do created new blog goal to sue Mr Bratton and Mr Reznick 2015. 

The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.

Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!

NYPD Inspector General Phillip Eure Dirty Corrupt has Tom Mahoney Pass the Corruption Buck 2 Letters Proof?

NYPD Inspector General Phillip Eure Tom Mahoney Pass the Corruption Buck 2 Letters Proof Mark Peters Bill de Blasio CCRB IAB Internal Affairs Ray Kelly Bill Bratton Chief Reznick Charles Campisi