Wednesday, August 10, 2011

NYPD Rape Cop Ken Moreno Posters In Rape Cop Moreno’s Neighborhood

You can find the link to see the photos that some wonderful activists put up in rape Cop Moreno’s neighborhood. 

Well done to whom ever put those posters up since the jury was not able to understand simple law....preying on someone drunk -- having sexual relations with a drunk person is rape because in the State of NY a drunk person can’t consent but the jury has one male juror saying to the press she got herself in to the situation.  Duh, does that mean the NYPD can take a drunk woman’s keys and repeatedly return to her apt. and climb in to her bed?  Duh, the jury said yeah because of lack of DNA.  You don’t need DNA folks.  But it is mysterious that the rape cops admit being in her bed and on her couch but not one strand of DNA was found.   NYPD DNA fix like the NYPD fixed traffic tickets of NYC gov. officials and we still have no names?