Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Suzannah B. Troy Artist Jokes if Only The NY Post Hacked Mike Bloomberg’s Emails To John Haggerty!

 I can vouch for NY Post not hacking because if they did we would have some potentially embarrassing to possibly damning info. I want to read the emails Mike won't share via FOIL Freedom of Info but why isn't Cy Vance or even Haggerty's lawyer asking for Mike to turn them over? Typing from my iPhone and can't see out of my left eye help but u get my point. This Sept another disaster is brewing for Cy Vance - the Haggerty Trial! Um Mike not on trial but he broke campaign laws.

I called Cy Vance’s Public Integrity Hotline the 1st day he opened up and reported Mike Bloomberg referencing these 2 links but Cy Vance wasn’t interested!

John Haggerty is least as innocent as Mike Bloomberg!  Read Ari Roston’s article in the NY Post and read how 2 elections in a row Mike was funneling money!

By the way, no one is calling for a full audit on Mike Bloomberg’s spending on his last campaign.  You would think Mike would be very worried other people were stealing but he isn’t for some reason.