Thursday, November 3, 2011

MTA Dirty Dealings from SAIC NYC Tay Payer Rapist to Alcatel-Lucent Also Busted!

If you want to understand why pay a fortune in cash and credit to use the MTA and the subways are a mess....they are too small to handle the increased population use and the MTA cries poverty it is decades of corrupt dealings from Mafia and real estate deals to a series of shockingly corrupt tech deals including the MTA and SAIC telling the State Comptroller to go &*&^^ himself when he banned SAIC from doing biz with SAIC on a NYC and NY State deal.  

Do you think that Joel Bondy’s boss -- the man in charge of $$$ for NYC gov Mark Page and Patricia Harris’s husband both appointed to the MTA board by Mike Bloomberg pushed the corrupt SAIC deal?

Reminder Mike pushed SAIC like a drug kingpin pushes heroin including to the press and on the John Gambling show after the 80 million tax payer dollars was exposed stolen by Spherion consultants doing Quality Control on SAIC on CityTime.  Mike said we would get all 80 million dollars back.

Last time I checked we haven ’t gotten all 80 million dollars back.