Friday, September 28, 2012

Christine Quinn The NY Times Selling Puff & Lies as Poverty, Homelessness Rises + No St. Vincent's Hospital

click on the image above to see it larger.

Christine Quinn sold the lie we needed Mike Bloomberg for a third term to help us with the economy yet NYC continues to have greater numbers of homelessness and poverty but she and her pals have grown richer.

We have no rape crisis center in the West Village anymore because she sold out to Rudin Family greed.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Henry Buhl ACE Illegal Planters Special Treatment by NYPD Dept of Transportation Opposite of OWS?

Henry Buhl -- the little gray hair man that resembles Anthony Hopkins in The Silence of the Lambs over seeing his slaves...oops low paid ACE foundation workers and others doing his dirty work moving his illegal planters back in the designated spots Henry Buhl originally dropped the illegal planters to prevent Veteran Vendors and Artist from setting up their tables where they have for years.

Henry Buhl was named in at least 1 possibly 2 lawsuits re: The Vesco Scandals which was the Bernie Madoff scandals of the 70's?

Do the press with the exception of WPIX stay away from this issue and why.  At the end of a 9 1/2 video you may hear answers you don't want to hear but the reality is these planters were illegally dropped by this man using ACE foundation as backdrop.   Dept of Transportation confirms they are illegal as does Community Board 2 yet the planters sit there.

The NYPD 01 says not there problem but question -- if OWS dropped these planters would they have sat there July, Aug., Sept. and it is almost October.

Heard on the street === Henry Buhl confident he has the NYPD at his beck and call and will have the NYPD harshly enforce any petty rule starting with a measuring tape from the door ways.

Again rules put in place by rich people to displace poor and middle class and yet DOT and NYPD seem to give Buhl and his planters special grace periods and the opposite of OWS treatment?    Unemployment over 10 percent and as high as 17 percent.  Soho is a tourist spot and these vendors have been here for years but Henry Buhl and a few well to do white people want many minority people treated as criminals when they are not and many are Veterans like the 2 that alerted the NYPD to the Times Square Bomb....

they want them removed....they will give money to ACE to get any and all perks from NYC gov and the ego massage -- Henry Buhl uses Ace workers as his low wage accomplices unknowingly helping him move illegal planters to make Veterans and Artist homeless.  

Google YouTube Sexually Politically Discriminates Against Suzannah B. Troy YouTube on ECTP 911 Tech and CityTime SAIC Bloomberg NYC Gov Corruption   Warning this YouTube is adult.    It is the very naughty comedian Johnny T who is politically incorrect and sexually very lazy.  He complains that his Korean girlfriends breasts are so large double Ds -- foreplay -- is a lot of work -- likes holding two air conditioners at the same time....  Warning Johnny gives Korean Deli owners a hard time as well as discussing his hard times.

Poor Johnny

a RENEGADE from RED HOOK Production 2012
(Johnny T. Sollitto)

Johnny T's YouTube  has no adult warning like the YouTube I made on Mike Bloomberg and Gerald Denault SAIC CityTime ECTP 911 Tech YouTube given an ADULT RATING for my breasts which are not exposed.   I am not a flat chested one so is Google allowing some loser man obsessed with me to "e-burka" me -- censor me?

The answer is yes.
Dear NYPD Bomb Squad Unit:  My breasts most be a bomb -- Google has given my breasts an adult warning.  Can you believe it?  Total size discrimination.  If I was flat chested wearing the same shirt would I have gotten an adult rating.   If a man wearing that shirt said what I said about SAIC and NYC Gov as well as the contractors on the 911 Tech System aka ECTP all involved in allowed tax payer money to be robbed would that have gotten a man an adult rating.

Do I have to register my breasts with One Police Plaza -- are they guns or something?

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Corruptco: Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis Dismisses N.Y. Lawsuit Over Delaware Basin Fracking

Corruptco: Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis Dismisses N.Y. Lawsuit Over Delaware Basin Fracking

Below are some key paragraphs from the article but I ask you -- do you ever feel like from The White House to Albany to City Hall our Country is run like a CorruptCo -- Corrupt company and corrupt co-workers?  Laughable if it wasn't so sad and offensive but just a note from me first on NY's unique Corruptco -- look to the W. Village to Christine Quinn's district the woman who wants to be mayor and has the most money from the richest people and in my opinion the ones that don't care about The People just greed.
Reminds me of St. Vincent's Hospital closed on 12th St.  No criminal prosecution of the crooks because perhaps Cy Vance the Manhattan DA is afraid of bringing attention to the Rudin acquisition. No hospital in the West Village but a Pipeline.  Politicians silent or the phony ones say a word and than shut up.
Now back to this disturbing ruling and when I read the Judge's ruling I said "CorruptCo".
"U.S. District Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis granted a request by the Environmental Protection Agency and other U.S. agencies to throw out the case, finding that the development plans are in the early stages and the threat of harm is speculative."
New York says it has shown that fracking generates millions of gallons of wastewater contaminated with toxic metals and radioactive substances, and that companies using the process in Pennsylvania have violated the law 1,600 times, harming the state’s water.
In Pennsylvania, natural gas and related industries have generated 72,000 jobs, 3,143 well permits and more than $1 billion in tax revenue since 2009, the trade groups said.
New York City has spent almost $1.5 billion to protect the drinking water that flows from the watershed, Schneiderman said in his complaint. The money has gone to buying land to serve as a buffer for pollutants, upgrading sewage plants and regulating human activity."

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Mayor Bloomberg Mega Tech Corruption That Never Was by Suzannah B. Troy

Below possibly the best piece I have ever written with 2 different titles -- the 2nd being Mayor Bloomberg Guiltier  than Richard Nixon -- above an addendum that exposes mega abuse of tax payer dollars outsourcing on consulting with no watchdog.

Monday, September 17, 2012

L'Oreal Sells Christine Quinn as Inspiration Despite Her Lousy Record Human & Animal Rights

L'Oreal Sells Faux Christine Quinn

Dear Ms. Lo:

I read your article about Speaker Quinn's speech, and I was surprised that you characterized her as being "best-known around these parts" for "working on issues of justice."  It's true that Quinn has been an outspoken advocate for same sex marriage, but she has the worst human rights voting record in the City Council.  Please see report card below.  In fact, Gloria Steinem is the spokesperson on a campaign to convince Quinn to allow a vote on a sick leave bill she has blocked for two years.
the bill has a veto-proof majority of sponsors in the City Council, but Mayor Bloomberg and corporate special interests have convinced her to kill it."
Quinn has also blocked every meaningful animal protection bill introduced at City Hall since she became Speaker in 2006 - from requiring pet stores to install sprinklers to taking the carriage horses out of harm's way.

Quinn says all the right things in public, and the public gives her a free pass because she's gay and a woman, but hundreds of people who are familiar with her record have taken to the streets in an effort to educate the public.  I hope you will spend a few minutes looking into it.

This video is a quick synopsis:

Thank you.

Donny Moss

Friday, September 14, 2012

Mike Bloomberg Baby Putin Selling Bait Switch his 600M vs Billions Tax Payer $ Abused & Mostly Tech Contracts!

@MikeBloomberg  Shame on you Mike aka Baby Putin, not one person has the courage to call u out on your bait and switch!

Go back to sleep NYC but if one person tried to rob you to 100 dollars you will flip out but billions in tax payer dollars you don't care!

Perfect just want Mike Bloomberg, baby Putin wants -- talk about sugary drink bans not about the mega corruption NYC gov.

Andy Cuomo No Integrity WOR & Paterson Fixing Chip Hit Batra

Nice job Andy Cuomo and Dave Paterson! Andy arranges for Dave to not go to jail for perjury and witness tampering and pay-back for that and the MTA job is to use WOR to do a hit on Batra! Cuomo some cleaner? He doesn't clean up corruption he aids and abets it and does political hits on a radio show for Paterson who should be in jail but like Steve Rattner Cuomo doesn't send rich and connected folk to jail and Dave's dad is too connected. Cuomo is a sell-out and he will never be president.
Note: for the willfully ignorant -- women towards women is up in NYC thanks to Andy Cuomo, judge Judy Kaye, Black Political leaders, Christine Quinn all who supported Dave Paterson not taking responsibility for witness tampering in a spousal abuse case attempting to silence the victim of abuse by his best friend he had on the payroll 6 foot 9 coward Dave Johnson who ran when his victim called 911. 

The only people with integrity in Albany resigned but Paterson remained on with the support of all of the above.  He was rewarded by NYU, WOR, and Andy Cuomo because Dave thanks to his daddy has his uses and the WOR show was used to cash in a bit of IOU for Andy fixing it so Paterson did not go to jail for perjury or witness tampering.