Friday, September 14, 2012

Andy Cuomo No Integrity WOR & Paterson Fixing Chip Hit Batra

Nice job Andy Cuomo and Dave Paterson! Andy arranges for Dave to not go to jail for perjury and witness tampering and pay-back for that and the MTA job is to use WOR to do a hit on Batra! Cuomo some cleaner? He doesn't clean up corruption he aids and abets it and does political hits on a radio show for Paterson who should be in jail but like Steve Rattner Cuomo doesn't send rich and connected folk to jail and Dave's dad is too connected. Cuomo is a sell-out and he will never be president.
Note: for the willfully ignorant -- women towards women is up in NYC thanks to Andy Cuomo, judge Judy Kaye, Black Political leaders, Christine Quinn all who supported Dave Paterson not taking responsibility for witness tampering in a spousal abuse case attempting to silence the victim of abuse by his best friend he had on the payroll 6 foot 9 coward Dave Johnson who ran when his victim called 911. 

The only people with integrity in Albany resigned but Paterson remained on with the support of all of the above.  He was rewarded by NYU, WOR, and Andy Cuomo because Dave thanks to his daddy has his uses and the WOR show was used to cash in a bit of IOU for Andy fixing it so Paterson did not go to jail for perjury or witness tampering.