Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Mayor Bloomberg 911 311 Hurricane Sandy St. Vincents + Hospitals Untold Stories by Suzannah B. Troy

Bloomberg's blizzard, City Island and now Hurricane Sandy -- how many deaths related to a flawed corrupt tech system and far more corrupt than CityTime.

ECTP the 911 tech system the biggest corruption ever in NYC gov bigger than CityTime.

The CityTime trial starts Sept. 2013 just as Mike a lame duck mayor or dead duck mayor will be packing his boxes to leave office -- his corrupt tarnished third term.

Christine Quinn pushed through an illegal third term because she said we needed Mike to help us with the economy.  Well he did not

Instead she also helped him push through the most corrupt real estate dealings and government contracts with mostly tech contracts going over budgets hundreds of millions to in the 911 corruption case going over budget 1 billion 14 million dollars so total 2 billion 14 million dollar system that does not work properly...

Mayor Bloomberg Yelled Down CityTime 911 ECTP at Press Conference NYPD Intelligence via @youtube

Maybe now we will get a criminal investigation?

We couldn't get  Cy Vance to prosecute the St. Vincent's Hospital crooks and the anger at St. Vincent's Hospital being closed and Rudin luxury condos in their place raising even more anger by a community left in the dark by Hurricane Sandy and Christine Quinn -- this is her district -- not news!

Also note -- another tax payer's Titanic that rarely is talked about is 311 which also is not working -- another big scandal not news worthy but ECTP 911 is the biggest.