Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Suzannah B. Troy Yelled down Mayor Bloomberg 911 Tech System Does Not Work Properly!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pj_Mk2JOEQ&sns=em  Hear me say it ECTP 911 Tech is not working properly 2 billion 14 million dollars and it does not work!  Shame on You Mayor Bloomberg!!

I yell as handsome Let. O'Sullivan NYPD Intelligence walks me away!

Suzannah B. Troy Yelled Down Bloomberg 911 Tech System Doesn't Work 2 billion 14 million dollars Doesn't Work!

Ask NYPD Lt. O'Sullivan Intelligence division.

I did it at a press conference.

Bloomberg invited press to ask him questions about what I yelled about and none did!

Now thanks to Sandy I may get the criminal investigation I have been fighting for from this blog!

I sent out this email this am....

With Ron Kuby's help I fought off a (in my opinion)  corrupt det first precinct  and false arrest baby putinville (I call Mike baby putin)

Hurricane Sandy exposed Bloomberg as a fraud gawker showed him with a boner.

Infrastructures shot to hell 911 exposed criminal investigation now finally?

My life a short story Kurt Vonnegut in The monkey house. 

How Mike Bloomberg tried to have me shut up, shut down and even had a techie remove me shouting the 911 tech system doesn't work - -you can hear me on NYC gov website blue room yelling about CityTime but mysteriously the 911 tech system does not work removed via magic.

ps for blog

FYI Lt. O'Sullivan is a class act NYPD guy compared to the det at first precinct....google NYPD First precinct makes assault dissapear (I should know I was assaulted -- guess certain NYPD think I deserve to get assaulted?)
