Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Hospitals The New York Times Exposed Covering up for Christine Quinn St. Vincent's Hospital Scandal !!!

The  New York Times writes that in light of Hurricane Sandy, hospitals need to be better prepared and re-examine their evacuation plans:

The NY Times has acted like Christine Quinn's campaign manager covering up for people including one of Rudy Giuliani's guys dying because St. Vincent's was closed and Christine Quinn sold out her own district because she is far more ambitious than she is intelligent and lacks integrity.

The Rudin family is tight with Bloomberg, Howard Rubenstein and the owners of The New York Times as well as advertises in the NY Times real estate section so The NY TImes killed story after story about Quinn and community outrage, small biz dying as well as People because no Hospital.....

how Christine Quinn locked out her own community to testify in front of a city council that barely showed up to hear their testifymoney yet only Rudin, his construction workers, hire ranking retired NYPD officers Rudin has on his payroll were allowed to enter the warm building but Quinn's community froze locked out --  not that they had a chance to testify   -- the line was longer than for a rock concert.  Christine Quinn has a huge staff and none including Goldman Sach guy turned community laison but only for rich folks showed up to say hello no one including Quinn -- just me dressed as no show Christine Quinn!!!!!

Christine Quinn meet with me and Norman Siegel and community members at City Hall the day before the vote and said she did not know how she was going to vote!

Are you kidding me?