Saturday, March 9, 2013

Mayor Bloomberg Christine Quinn 911 Tech Mega Scandal and Lobbyists from DOITT!

Ex-DOITT Gino Menchini Agostino Cangemi Lobbyists HP 911

DOITT a cess pool of corruption
like all divisions nyc gov
including city council green lighting in your face corruption.

Nice to see Rudy's lawyer for ny pensions Agostino turned DOITT top dog along with Gino Cangemi turn lobbyists.

Agostino once a lawyer for another corrupt cess pool nyc pensions which are raided pay to play exploited by every greedy creep that can and

Agostino lobbyist for TechnoDyne who are mega thieves as well CityTime.

So Agostino lobbyist two companies robbed us blind.


So far lobbyist involved CityTime along with nyc gov officials
nothing to fear from us Attorney and despite John Liu's audit
requesting criminal investigation in to ECTP 911
there is none so crooks involved in 2 largest crimes City Hall
and tax payers tech Titanics under Bloomberg
have nothing to fear.

Wow no wonder Gino and Agostino can't say no.

DOITT interesting relations with HP hardee har.