Monday, May 20, 2013

Dr. Fagelman Receptionist Delita Hooks Assault NYPD Fixed Video Viral close to 10,000 Views

I now call Delita Hooks the Jodi Arias of medical receptionist desks.  Thanks to in my opinion evil Dr. Andrew Fagelman and the corrupt NYPD involved she got away with murder...almost and I never put down my 2 bags on my left shoulder, my left arm numb from 2 injections in my elbow and in my right hand my phone. She decided to menace me coming out from behind a long closed off reception desk after she verbal berated me getting out from behind a long desk to come after me and than insanely violently assaulting me instead of closing the door and lied and lied.  Her medical report from the assault interesting considering I barely touched her doing the bare minimum to get her off my body and the letter she gave the NYPD very interesting so in my opinion Delita Hooks is a quite a violent liar and has had practice and way too much help with her lies and violence this time around from NYPD so to date she has no idea it was her fault and she did something wrong.  HIP already notified me the want a percentage of the law suit if I sue because of all the medical bills because I had to get eye surgery and I am still getting care as well as my neck care.

Thanks to whom ever pushed to to go viral bring the video close to 10,000 views because of your help I hope Delita Hooks can never abuse another patient, Dr. Fagelman's or any MD's that shared the space.  My MD and her partner vacated because she can't have her patients berated and violently attacked. Thanks for shaming Dr. F and the NYPD involved and your help prevents all of them from getting away w/evil crap again.

I woke up in the middle of the night yet again.....

I blogged a little and went back to sleep.....

I woke up having a very traumatic dream about Dr. Andrew Fagelman yet again.  I have never met him but seen the photo of him and he looks like he has done a lot to his face to try and look younger than he is.

In the dream let's say he caused me even more pain and suffering.

Thanks again to whom ever pushed this video to go viral.

Dr. Fagelman Receptionist Delita Hooks Assault NYPD Fixed Video Viral close to 10,000 Views

If I dropped dead today thanks to whom ever helped to make this YouTube viral.

Delita Hooks, Dr. Fagelman and the NYPD involved thanks to you they hopefully can't get away with it yet again and  so far the Justice system and NYC gov agencies that should have done something haven't.

I call this YouTube Justice.....  YouTubeland an ugly place more often than not with puerile or worse than puerile comments but I am getting YouTube Justice exposing everyone involved although how ironic they know my name and too date I don't have the names of all the liars and corrupt players involved.

A medical office is suppose to be a safe place. 

I also believe my patient privacy was violated by Delita Hooks.  She violated my patient rights, human rights and my body.  Dr. Andrew Fagelman let her get away with all of the above.  If she is behaving better now it is thanks to my video.   Look at the Yelp reviews before I ever arrived.  There are reviews warning People to stay away!