Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Gerald Denault's Lawyer Drops a CityTime Bomb on Preet Bharara SAIC and Mayor Bloomberg!


Hey thank SAIC the no. 1 criminals CityTime Crime  for Barry Bohrer's excellent work --you see SAIC is paying Bohrer's legal bills because Gerard Denault sued SAIC and won!

SAIC has to pay Denault's  legal bills.

I was the only one to report exclusively Denault won -- it was on Valentine's Day -- I dubbed it the Valentine's Massacre for SAIC (one media outlet might have picked it up from me sending out me email blasts but as usual I was not credited.  That happens a lot. )


Let's hope SAIC loses motion to dismiss the SAIC shareholder's law suits as well.

A brilliant move by Barry Bohrer bad news for Mike Bloomberg, Team Bloomberg and Christine Quinn as well as Rose Gill Hearn and Preet Bharara.

Great news for The People of New York City who deserve way more tax payer money back and to know the truth.

There should have been resignations and arrests and so far none.