Monday, May 6, 2013

Open air asbestos abatement Domino Sugar Refinery, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, W. Village Worries Rudin St. Vincent's Hospital Asbestos Condos

Greed first -- that is mayor Bloomberg and pals motto!!!!!!!!!!

Open air asbestos abatement at Domino Sugar Refinery, Williamsburg, Brooklyn

Mayor Bloomberg pushed a recklesss Tusnami of Community Crushing Development on old NY's infrastructures.....

Amanda the People's Burden gets my vote for the most evil corrupt city planner commissioner ever.

Calling DOB, Dept of Investigation and any other city agency an exercise in futility.

Open air asbestos abatement Domino Sugar Refinery, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, W. Village Worries Rudin St. Vincent's Hospital Asbestos Condos

I was just sent this...

SBT, you should know that asbestos concerns are real to me also, my Father was diagnosed with Mesothelimona, he decided to go for a lung operation and proceed to spent 168 days in hospitals before he died. This asbestos is nothing to fool with! These greedy bastards are exposing the workers and the surrounding people to a horrible thing and it does not take much to cause damage to the human lung..  Keep up the good work .