Thursday, May 23, 2019

NYPD Chief of Detectives Chief Shea Unethical Corrupt like Boyce and Pulaski Google Dr Fagelman Assault

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
Dad died knowing Google Dr Fagelman assault. I woke up SIDE of my right hand fingers numb I think from Delita Hooks damage to my neck BAD dream w/ unethical liars Dee, Dr Andrew Fagelman poster boy lack of ethics he violated Hippocratic oath 0 decency liar…

Corrupt Chief Shea who protects erasing sickening crimes including Sex assault says subway assault sickening -- ask him under oath about sickening youtube violent assault on a medical patient me -- Delita Hooks also stole a note I wrote my MD! I was not Dr Fagelman's patient but he discussed me with patients and he and Delita Hooks lied about a lot under oath and lied to patients who came to my YouTube channel to harass me and lie! I was also threatened over and over during an open investigation and  NYPD Det.'s and their bosses falsified police reports downgraded all crimes including their own to zero crimes and Chief Shay is the third police chief of detectives to protect all crimes along with top brass Internal Affairs and three police commissioners and I hope they will be excoriated and exposed and lose their pensions and written up on corruption inside the NYPD including my case .

Let's ask Shea/O'Neill  under oath about Sex Crimes Detective youtube

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
misogynistnyc: Cy Vance Asking to Lower Jeffrey Epstein Sex Offender Status Omitted by Misogynist Wikipedia! DA Cy Vance sexual assaults fixing favors MD sexually assaulted 19 patients is not on Sex offender status, Intern omitted!……

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Mayor de Blasio detectives violated protocols at City Hall #Survivors Rally
NYPD Det lies as  documented in this video about not having to show me his badge and ID that's a lie it's a violation of protocol his behavior as well as lying!

I am waiting for an apology for that too