Rupert Murdoch Glenn H. Hutchins Mike Bloomberg Why Suzannah B. Troy is banned from The NY Post as a commentor + why the Post refused to report Mike was booed relentlessly Triangle Shirt Factory 100 year Memorial!

Board of Directors -- Partnership for New York City

Associated Partners, LP, K. Rupert Murdoch Chairman & CEO News Corporation. Jeffrey L. Bewkes ... Glenn H. Hutchins Co-CEO Silver Lake, Mary Ann Tighe ... - Cached

Rupert Murdoch the king of self promotion of his mega-global media empire has banned a New York City artist, Suzannah B. Troy for being a self promoter while he allows Racist including anti-Semitic, Misogynist comments on The New York Post but Suzannah B. Troy who happens to be wondering why Gartner owned by Glenn H. Hutchins as not punished and fired for agreeing to give Spherion a 20 percent fee on hours billed as exposed by Sally Goldenberg
The 2nd time I was banned from commenting was when the editors had to report on the 80 million dollar theft by Spherion consultants and gee whiz no one in NYC gov from Mark Page to Gartner paid to do quality control on Spherion caught wind of the stealing.

When Spherion pitched the 20 percent “deal” to Gartner -- Gartner had one choice only and that was to report Spherion for what sure sounds like extortion to me and Gartner did not.  Gartner should have refused to do business with Spherion!

New Yorkers! Do NOT see Matt Damon’s new movie Adjustment Bureau Mike Bloomberg makes a cameo

Reminder, Matt Damon instructed us to vote for Mike Bloomberg and I do not believe he declares NYC his home because he doesn’t want to pay NY’s steep taxes so he is another rich man telling us to vote for a rich oligarch.

Rupert Murdoch and The NY Post -- Fox -- guilty of self promoting in every possible have prevented me from posting comments because Murdoch’s thugs say I am guilty of self promotion so today I could not post his comment.  Shame on The NY Post for not reporting that Mike Bloomberg was relentlessly booed during The Triangle Shirtwaist Memorial.

Watch this and learn more about corrupt dealings by The NY Post including on a letter they published on behalf of Mike Bloomberg by Mitchel Moss.  When you get to the youtube click on the links in the text portion and learn why it was so corrupt.  Moss sounds like the sock puppets that harass anyone critical on YouTube, mark us as spam with the goal of getting us banned from YouTube.  They use intimidation and are guilty of aggravated harassment.  The good news is they like Mike Bloomberg and gang think they are above the law and that is very good news.

The NY Post Prevents Suzannah B. Troy from commenting as she would today about the media refusing to report Mike Bloomberg was Booed Relentlessly at The Triangle Shirt Factory Memorial with Shouts of Tammany Hall

The New York refuses to report that Rupert Murdoch’s friend Mike Bloomberg was booed and shouts of Tammany Hall were screamed during the 1oo year anniversary of Triangle Shirt Factory Tragedy yet Mike and Rupert want to get on YouTube and talk to us about immigrants!

Massive censorship and cover-up for Mike Bloomberg and gang by Rupert Murdoch and owners of The NY Times and The NY Daily News. Almost no investigative reporting -- no reporting except stupid fluff pieces. folks that makes two accounts The NY Post has suspended and they say I am self promoting.

This would be me self promoting today.   I would post on Geraldine Ferrara’s Obit in the Editorial Section Why didn’t The New York Post report that mayor Mike Bloomberg was booed relentlessly with protestors yelling Tammany Hall, “Why did you close our fire houses” in response to Bloomberg using the word safety.   Bloomberg talked about construction safety yet under his mayoral leadership we have record amounts of construction related deaths and injuries + infrastructure as well including Con Ed employees and civilians.

No New York paper reported Bloomberg being booed which brings us back to the media silencing voices in opposition pre-the election that Mike Bloomberg barely won but The New York Post is the only paper to suspend me -- twice.  I wrote Rupert Murdoch and left voice mails with his children who are in my age range. 

Very shameful.

Is this because of Glen Hutchins and Gartner?  The NY Post unwittingly revealed that Gartner agreed to pay Spherion a 20 percent kick back on billing and oops Spherion consultants were stealing 80 million -- over billing and Gartner agreed to extortion instead of reporting Spherion and refusing to do business.

Does Rupert Murdoch have a relationship with Hutchins as well as Bloomberg and has agreed to silence trouble makers.  After all the editors of The NY Post published Mitchell Moss’s letter of lies attempt to refute Fred Siegel’s expose “Bloomberg’s Bubble Burst” and Moss, an NYU employee and on the developer Rudin family’s payroll - Rudin who is a trustee of NYU, NYU that did an illegal air sale next door to my home of 20 years -- and busting through zoning while Moss’s letter in the NY Post says Mike Bloomberg preserved our neighborhoods and praised his zoning when in fact Mike and Amanda Burden approved and facilitated  the illegal air sale 120 East 12 by the USPS to NYU and the tear down of St. Ann’s that survived everything all these years from 1847 on except NYU’s greed and need to mega dorm the East Village to death.

What is interesting is I was told Moss worked on Bloomberg’s campaign and his false hoods and empty praise of Mike Bloomberg echoed non-stop spam that turned in to aggravated harassment by sock puppet accounts we believe were paid to harass and intimidate Bloomberg’s opposition on the world wide web into silence.   By the way, The NY Post editors never stated under Mitchell Moss’s name his relationship to NYU, Rudin and Bloomberg.

I had all my YouTubes removed before the election and again we believe this was done by Mike Bloomberg and gangs people but like Haggerty, Mike Bloomberg can cry -- he is just too rich to know where and what is being done with his money, when in fact Mike funneled money to Haggerty 2 elections in a row, this past one via the Independence Party and the prior one via the Republican Party.

When you see Bloomberg being booed and it is startling and you know the main stream media is not reporting it == you have to ask why and again just like Bloomberg’s dirty tactics to steal a third term and the media helping him because The NY Times and NY Daily News owners like Mike have a special relationship with Steve Rattner who was busted for pay to play NY Pensions, it is just startling how our major New York newspapers are in league with silencing voices in opposition.

An activist made a Wiki page about my YouTube’s being removed before the election -- censorship and Wiki removed it as well!  The editor in charge exposed that account was under attack from sock puppet accounts and suspended two accounts that called for the immediate removal of the page on my censorship but the editor took it down because Wiki said I had not had enough news published about me and gee um why would that be?

Today New Yorkers and the Global Audience know you are all witness to a continued cover-up on behalf of Mike Bloomberg and his friends and the fact that the newspapers refuse to report that Bloomberg was booed relentlessly is hard to believe and an indicator that the powers that be are covering up for a lot more.  Bloomberg’s third term scandals are gathering steam like Ed Koch’s third term.
In the above YouTube you can hear them yelling “Tammany Hall”.

Dear Post Editors -- if I had posted this as a video response - Why would this be self promoting why would this be so threatening to you that you would have to ban me will The New York Post allows the most Racist Anti-Semtic and Misogynist comments up?  You would think the NY Post would come in to the 21 st century.  The NY Post is the only website that you can’t read comments or post them from an iphone and ipad.   It is almost hilarious that the NY Post accuses me of self promoting when their website plugs their TV show and everything possible to make money but The NY Post Editors and now it appears Rupert Murdoch want my voice silenced.

By the way, Gartner was not punished for agreeing to pay Spherion 20 percent of what they billed which is like Mafia extortion.  Why is this completely hidden except for one article by Sally Goldenberg that perhaps The NY Post accidentally published. 

Is this one more reason why I am not allowed to comment on The New York Post.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Mike Bloomberg Haggerty + Bloomberg’s Cyber Stalking Sock Puppet Accounts = Mike Bloomberg can’t keep track of how his money is spent he is just so rich!

Mike Bloomberg funneled money to Haggerty two elections in a row.  Read this article

My belief is Mike Bloomberg has won philosophy --- win, it is not how you play the game -- just bring me a win.   That is why he stands by Steve Rattner who was busted for “pay to play” NY Pensions, and than he paid to not go to jail and paid to not plead guilty and Mike stands by his man.

Mike has Cy Vance and NYC judges believing that Mike is just so darn rich he can’t be held accountable for how he spends his money and where it goes.  Did you expect Mike to lojack his money or even care where the 150 million dollars went that he spent to steal the election?

The same with the countless sock puppet accounts cyber stalking, harassing which is aggravated harassment and like breaking campaign laws carries jail time oh and stealing people’s identities including Tony Avella’s, than a city council member, now a senator.

I guess it is like Elliot Spitzer -- the powers that be won’t do anything until is serves their purposes and or some very rich powerful people.  

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

NYU Real Estate Rapist doesn’t understand the word “NO!” Mike Bloomberg and Amanda the people’s Burden worst city planner aided and abetted John Sexton NYU, Columbia U, Cooper U. NY Law Dorm zone buster on 3rd Street

NYU, the evil empire that mega-dormed the East Village to death does not understand the word no and they are suppose to be higher ed, but in fact lead by John Sexton, close to 2 million dollar a year real estate magnate thug -- makes the Mafia seem honest and forth right!

NYU is a real estate rapist!!!!!!

NO means no!!!!!!

No wonder John Sexton hired Dave Paterson...
NYU stop your reckless community crushing development!!!!!!!!!
NYU is the Bernie Maddoff of higher ed making off with entire neighborhoods from South St. Seaport, Chelsea including Stuy Town that was supposed to be affordable housing, East West Village and Brooklyn.

Christine Quinn did not have money for the rent 4 times but she has money for a speech writer and a new condo! Mike and Quinn spin and lies

Reminder Christine Quinn got herself a speech writer and a luxury condo in a buildings she used tax payer money to smooth the way re: some garbage issue next door and she is back to this crazy idea we believe what she says but New Yorkers are not stupid. We know when Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn talk to read the sub-titles as in lying and full of bull-loney.

Quinn sold the great lie we needed Mike to help us with the economy. Has he helped you? No!
They helped their pals.
Read The New York Daily News every day as they expose the real Christine Quinn instead of the phony puff pieces that have been strategically place on behalf of her mega-rich pals that want her in office so Mike can have a fourth term.

The NY Daily News reporters already exposed Christine Quinn was sued 4 times for not paying rent and she wants to be our mayor! She said we need Mike to help us? Well she can’t come up for money for the rent but she magically has money for a condo and a speech writer?

Do the math!

 On April 28 the Council Slush Fund Investigation Enters Its Forth Year

Its 1057 Days Since the City Council Hired Lawyers To Defend Themselves From         Member Items Slush Fund Crimes               

* Entire City Council That Was In Office On April 28, 2009

 "Politicians in New York City and Albany really enjoy giving away the public’s money and making it seem like their own largess. As the latest news out of the New York City Council attests, these grants are, at best, a political trick intended to buy voter loyalty. At worst, they have led to outright theft." (April 29, 2008, NYT Editorial)

Lawyers for Council Seen as a Departure (The Sun) * CITY TO PAY FOR COUNCIL'S LAWYERS - New York Post  * Common Cause Blog :: Slush Fund Follies in New York  * - NYC Taxpayers Petition For Slush Fund Inquiry  * Lobbyists' Role in Council Slush Fund Scandal Probed - June 20 ...  * BLOOMBERG HAS HIS OWN SLUSH FUND - New York Post* Phony Allocations by City Council Reported - New York Times  * New York’s Slush Addiction - New York Times - Editorial *  SLUSH-FUND SHENANIGANS - NY Post Editorial  * QUINN: SLUSH FUND HELPED ME - New York Post

Google Blogger Censors NY Political Blogger Gary Tilzer -- Tilzer blog removed over night!

Dear Readers:  Write immediately and demand they return Gary Tilzer’s powerful and truthful work!   Thank you, Suzannah B. Troy
If you would like to email Gary Tilzer a copy of your letter to

Dear Norman:

Gary's powerful work  telling the truth about special interest groups and corruption by some of the most powerful rich players on the NY scene  just vanished courtesy of Blogger  Google and we believe his 1st Amendment rights have been violated.

If his blog is not returned by Monday morning would you write a letter like you did for me to Google when my YouTube channel was removed a month and half before the mayoral election.

Press at Google -- Please be confident starting Monday a massive email barrage will hit Google like Bloomberg's Blizzard to 2010.  We will be posting a request all readers write you on the top of our blogger
If this wrong is not righted people will leave Google products like YouTube and Blogger.

Thank you,
Suzannah B. Troy

Gary Tilzer made this YouTube  with Doug Bivano when he was running for NY State Assembly and the YouTube starts in front of John Peter  Zenger’s unmarked grave Trinty Church .  NBC reception/security after consulting with NBC lawyer asked YouTube to remove this YouTube and it was banned.  What you are seeing is the 2nd version minus a few seconds that showed the security guard’s face.

Tilzer calls Zenger the Father of Modern Journalism.  Zenger was thrown in jail here in NY for telling the truth that the British Governor’s administration was corrupt  and Gary Zenger just had his blog removed as I had all my YouTubes removed a month and half before the mayoral election for telling the truth.   May 4, 2009
I said don’t believe the press, Mike Bloomberg may not win the election due to voter anger!
Suzannah B. Troy and Gary Tilzer Banned in the 21st Century for telling the truth.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"NYU unveils reviled plans for Village expansion” (thanks Hugo!)
NYU is the Evil Empire of the East Village.   NYU mega dormed the East Village to Death.  NYU aided and abetted by Mike Bloomberg and the worst city planner ever, a socialite mega-millionaire with a 40 million dollar trust for her kids that we pay 200,000 a year for are guilty of the most mass displacement since the American Indians.  NYU doesn’t even need to abuse eminent domain to get the job done.  The only thing  Bloomberg, Burden and the evil empire’s Pres. John Sexton haven’t done is provide NYU buses and trolleys as well as trains to move community members out for their unending need to expand with continued great harm to the neighborhood.   Thank you, Suzannah B. Troy

Today’s YouTube fits right in with the theme of corrupt greedy real estate dealings greatly endangering and harming the people of New York.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Abolish Lobbyist! Wire Tap Politicians and Lobbyist until enough are arrested that they finally get the message by Suzannah B. Troy is about time and sadly too little too late.  Albany to City Hall it is a culture of corruption and most lobbyists are pimps! We should get rid of lobbyists and charge a set fee to post what one wants represented for all the people to see.   For now it is back room deals, kick-backs, agreements to exclude rival companies from even being considered. Massive conflicts of interest and if we had wire tapping the jails would be filled with politicos and lobbyists!
Sent from my iPhone


Re: Lisberg: Mayor Mike Bloomberg 'pedals' his vision of city's future 
Posted: Mar 13, 2011 6:00 AM    in response to: Guest

Watch the video footage from four  years ago same intersection  --- too date DEP and DOB cannot get this fixed and ditto for around the corner on St. Marks Place between 2nd Ave. and 1st and all over the city --- why are the streets and below the streets -- a dangerous mess?  Ditto for the MTA?

Bloomberg and the worst city planner, Amanda the people's Burden, socialite mega-millionaire  pushed a reckless, dangerous tsunami of development and by the way --- many if not all of the hideous New New York built could not survive an earthquake like Japan's.  

DOB did not police the builds as they should have perhaps because of bribes and because there were too many builds too actually police but DOB, DEP, the MTA, Con Ed should have joined us in raised voices that said over and over Safety First!!!   Bloomberg, Burden and Christine Quinn supported greed and stupidity first!
I am pro-bikes and clean air but explain why excluding bike lanes, street conditions and sidewalks are in the worst condition ever and below ground the same for infrastructure. People can break a leg or their necks just trying to cross the streets! Why a record number of man hole cover explosions, water main breaks gs leaks, etc. Mike pushed a reckless tsunami of community crushing development for his and Quinn's rich pals. Streets better in Colonial Times! Impeach Quinn Bloomberg!