Sunday, March 27, 2011

New Yorkers! Do NOT see Matt Damon’s new movie Adjustment Bureau Mike Bloomberg makes a cameo

Reminder, Matt Damon instructed us to vote for Mike Bloomberg and I do not believe he declares NYC his home because he doesn’t want to pay NY’s steep taxes so he is another rich man telling us to vote for a rich oligarch.

Rupert Murdoch and The NY Post -- Fox -- guilty of self promoting in every possible have prevented me from posting comments because Murdoch’s thugs say I am guilty of self promotion so today I could not post his comment.  Shame on The NY Post for not reporting that Mike Bloomberg was relentlessly booed during The Triangle Shirtwaist Memorial.

Watch this and learn more about corrupt dealings by The NY Post including on a letter they published on behalf of Mike Bloomberg by Mitchel Moss.  When you get to the youtube click on the links in the text portion and learn why it was so corrupt.  Moss sounds like the sock puppets that harass anyone critical on YouTube, mark us as spam with the goal of getting us banned from YouTube.  They use intimidation and are guilty of aggravated harassment.  The good news is they like Mike Bloomberg and gang think they are above the law and that is very good news.