Sunday, March 27, 2011

Rupert Murdoch Glenn H. Hutchins Mike Bloomberg Why Suzannah B. Troy is banned from The NY Post as a commentor + why the Post refused to report Mike was booed relentlessly Triangle Shirt Factory 100 year Memorial!

Board of Directors -- Partnership for New York City

Associated Partners, LP, K. Rupert Murdoch Chairman & CEO News Corporation. Jeffrey L. Bewkes ... Glenn H. Hutchins Co-CEO Silver Lake, Mary Ann Tighe ... - Cached

Rupert Murdoch the king of self promotion of his mega-global media empire has banned a New York City artist, Suzannah B. Troy for being a self promoter while he allows Racist including anti-Semitic, Misogynist comments on The New York Post but Suzannah B. Troy who happens to be wondering why Gartner owned by Glenn H. Hutchins as not punished and fired for agreeing to give Spherion a 20 percent fee on hours billed as exposed by Sally Goldenberg
The 2nd time I was banned from commenting was when the editors had to report on the 80 million dollar theft by Spherion consultants and gee whiz no one in NYC gov from Mark Page to Gartner paid to do quality control on Spherion caught wind of the stealing.

When Spherion pitched the 20 percent “deal” to Gartner -- Gartner had one choice only and that was to report Spherion for what sure sounds like extortion to me and Gartner did not.  Gartner should have refused to do business with Spherion!